RecruitBuddy is an all in one platform designed to be the ultimate jobseeker toolkit.
Sign up for freeOur CV builder provides a wide selection of tools from Pre-written phrases to document uploads making it as easy as possible to create a stunning CV that recruiters and employers can’t ignore
Writing an impressive CV and Cover Letter is difficult, even for the most seasoned job applicant but don’t worry we have you covered.
We have a range of customisable CV and Cover Letter templates that are designed to make you stand out in front of any employer.
Get StartedEver feel like you wanted to showcase more of your personality?
A video cover letter helps you achieve just that. Show your future employer the person behind the CV.
Click on the Video link to find out more!
Sign UpDon’t know what to include or where to get started? No problem, that’s what friends are for! Our RecruitBuddy mentors are here to provide expert guidance, right when you need it most.
Learn MoreA CV is often the first and only impression you’re able to make on a prospective employer, at RecruitBuddy we ensure you get this right.
Here at Recruitbuddy, we provide you with the tools to help you write a cover letter, professional CV, and include a video cover letter to sell yourself in person.
That is not all, we also have RecuitBuddy mentors to provide guidance when you need it most. Our mentors help you establish realistic goals, overcome career challenges, and develop action plans.
Build a CV